Huseynov Elchin Mammad
Azerbaijan Medical University, Azerbaijan
Title: Clinical and epidemiological characteristics, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of acute brucellosis
Scientific data on the epidemiological aspects of the prevalence of acute brucellosis and clinical course of the disease, taking into account the gender, age, occupational and seasonal features of the infectious process are supplemented. The prevalence of IL-4(-6), TLR-2(-4) gene polymorphism was determined depending on the severity of acute brucellosis and the development of complications. Expanded understanding of the prognostic factors for the development of complications from the cardiovascular and hepatobiliary systems in patients with acute brucellosis, depending on the activity of the inflammatory process and polymorphism of the genes IL-(-6), TLR-2 (-4). It was found that among carriers of C / T polymorphic (C-589T) gene IL-4, a significantly increased risk of acute brucellosis was detected (χ2=29.73; p<0.0001; OR=9.63; 95% CI [3.43-27.03 ], whereas the carrier of the homozygous genotype C/C, on the contrary, had a protective effect on the development of acute brucellosis (OR=0.10, 95% CI [0.04-0.25]). The homozygous G / G genotype of the IL- 6 polymorphic gene (-174 G/C) was found to be significantly more common among patients with acute brucellosis with mild severity compared with patients with severe. Predictors of cardio-vascular and hepatobiliary systems lesions in patients with acute brucellosis were first analyzed and established depending on the polymorphism of IL-4, IL-6 and TLR-4, TLR-2 genes. It was found that among carriers of C/C polymorphic (-174 G/C) gene IL-6, a significantly increased risk of acute brucellosis with liver damage was determined (χ2=12.26; p=0.002; OR=0.97; 95% CI [0.28-3.41]), whereas the carrier of the homozygous genotype G/G, on the contrary, had a protective effect on the development of acute brucellosis with signs of acute hepatitis (OR=0.16, 95% CI [0.05-0.50]). Keywords: acute brucellosis, polymorphism, genotype, interleukin, Toll-like receptor, complications, prognosis, treatment effectiveness.
Pacific Medical College & Research, India
Title: Coinfection of Cytomegalovirus (Immunoglobulin M) Antibody in Anti-hepatic C Virus Seropositive Cases at a Tertiary Care Hospital
Rounaq Rasool is a PhD scholar in Pacific Medical College & Research in Udaipur Rajasthan. Currently she is doing her research onseroprevalence and quantitative assessment of Hepatitis C viral load in chronic hemodialysis patients in a tertiary care hospital in udaipur rajasthan. Moreover , she is working as a microbiologist and infection control officer in various Hospitals She has expertise in Infection control control and prevention.
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection enhances hepatitis C Virus (HCV) pathogenisis as it prevents the normal mechanisms which are responsible for HCV clearance , thus plays a key role in HCV persistence and pathogenicity Aim :- An individual develops lifetime CMV seropositivityafter the primary infection (IgM) after which the CMV establishes latency with intermittent reactivation, Thus, the study was undertaken to look for coinfection of CMV(IgM) in HCV positive cases in the hospital Material and method: Atotal of 250 serum samples (age and sex matched ) collected during the study period were divided into group A(125 HCV seropositive) and (125 HCV seronegative) which were tested for HCV antibody and anti-CMV IgM level. Statistical Analysis Used: The Chi- square test was used for assessing the two proportions. P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant . PASW statistics for windows , version 18.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, USA) was used for analysis Results :- Among the 125 Group A samples ( HCV seropositive), anti- CMV IgM seropositivity was observed in (7.2%) subjects most commonly belonged to lower and middle socio-economic status (56% and 44%) while (8.8%) subjects were found boderline positivemostly belonged to middle socio-economic status. Among 125 Group B samples (HCV Seronegative), anti- CMV IgM seropositivity was observed in 04 (5.8%) 02 & 02 (100%) subjects most commonly belonged to low and middle socio economic status. Subjects from both Groups A and B most commonly hailed from rural areas ( 77.8% & 100%). Diabetes, liver inflammation and colitis was the associated risk factor in group A ( 50%, 25% and 25%) respectively. Conclusion:- A statistically significant association between CMV and HCV was observed in the present study. CMV was commonly found in Subjects hailing from rural areas with low socio economic status.. CMV is preventable infection and appropriate preventive measures will help to reduce the morbidity rate.