Huang Wei Ling
Medical Acupuncture and Pain Management Clinic, Brazil
Title: Is it Possible to Treat Nosocomial Cellulitis Post Placement of Hemodialysis Catheter without the Use of Antibiotics?
Biography: Huang Wei Ling
Introduction: Nosocomial cellulitis is usually treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics, because they are normally caused by multi-resistant bacteria. Patients with chronic renal insufficiency usually have Blood deficiency and Heat retention according to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).
Purpose: To demonstrate that nosocomial cellulitis after placement of hemodialysis catheter can be treated without the use of any antibiotics.
Methods: One case report, 58-year-old female patient, submitted to hemodialysis for five years (kidney insufficiency). In 2019, her doctor indicated the removal of the hemodialysis catheter (supposed infection), and replaced it with a temporary cathether (superior right arm). On the same day, the patient felt pain, swelling, hyperemia (15x20cm) and localized heat on the skin surrounding the catheter, and the doctor removed it. The patient was already receiving acupuncture treatment and showed the lesion to the acupuncture doctor. She received Chinese dietary counselling (avoid frying, eggs, honey, chocolate, coconut, alcoholic beverages, cold water and dairy products), more auricular acupuncture sessions and apex ear bloodletting. The patient also received the homeopathy medication (Sulphur 6CH, five globules three times a day).
Results: In one week, the lesion normalized, with disappearance of hyperemia, pain, swelling and heat on the skin where the catheter was.
Conclusions: It is possible to treat nosocomial-cellulitis post placement of hemodialysis catheter without the use of antibiotics, according to this case report. To achieve this result it is important to correct the energy imbalances presented by each patient, taking out Heat retention and correcting the diet according to the energy point of view.