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Dong H. Kwon

Dong H. Kwon

Long Island University, USA

Title: The Effects of Exogenous Glutathione on Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria


Biography: Dong H. Kwon


Antibiotic resistance is a major global healthcare problem. In 2019, estimated 4.95 million deaths were associated with antibiotic resistance infections including 1.27 million deaths attributable to antibiotic resistance. To reduce antibiotic resistance a new antibiotic or strategy is an urgent priority in bacterial infections. Glutathione (GSH) is a biogenic thiol-compound for an optimal intracellular redox-potential required for various normal cellular processes. Antibacterial activity of exogenous (extracellular) GSH has been reported in some clinical isolates of bacterial pathogens but its molecular details are currently unclear. We have studied the effects of exogenous GSH on antibiotic susceptibility in clinical isolates of Acinetobacter baumannii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Our results concluded that i) exogenous GSH exhibited antibacterial activity regardless of antibiotic resistance (or susceptibility), ii) the antibacterial activity of GSH synergistically enhanced susceptibility of conventional antibiotics, and iii) GSH- mediated acidity was substantially associated with the antibacterial activity of GSH. These findings suggest that GSH may be a potential antibacterial agent or an adjuvant for conventional antibacterial regimens.